Investment Team Voices

What Factor Analysis Tells Us About Where Global Markets Are Headed

Kyle Ruge, CFA
July 12, 2021

Style factors—such as growth, value, momentum and beta—are important in explaining the return and risk of a security. The Calamos Global Team discusses how style factors can provide a context for understanding past and prevailing market environments, including the conditions we’ve seen since 2020’s lows.

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Calamos Investment Team Outlooks, April 2021

April 19, 2021

The first quarter of 2021 delivered new challenges for investors, including rotational markets, rising interest rates and mounting inflation pressures. Senior members of our investment organization share their outlooks and discuss how they are positioning the Calamos funds to navigate the crosscurrents. With an introduction from John P. Calamos, Sr., Founder, Chairman and Global Chief Investment Officer.

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Taper Tantrum Redux? History Often Rhymes, but It Rarely Repeats

Nick Niziolek, CFA
April 9, 2021

Co-CIO Nick Niziolek, CFA, explains why the Calamos Global Team is not expecting a repeat of the 2013 Taper Tantrum once the Federal Reserve does begin removing monetary stimulus. He discusses how changed Fed policy, improved emerging market fundamentals and a strong growth outlook put emerging markets on a far better footing today.

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As Long-Term Interest Rates Rise, Here’s What Investors Should Be Thinking About

John P. Calamos, Sr., Founder, Chairman and Global Chief Investment Officer
March 19, 2021

After years of artificially low interest rates and inflation, it’s understandable that some investors are disoriented by the current headlines—and worried about what to do next. Drawing on more than 50 years of investment experience, John P. Calamos, Sr. shares his perspective on inflation, rising 10-year U.S. Treasury yields, market volatility and rotation—and the implications for asset allocation.

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Luxury Stocks: Once a Cyclical Growth Opportunity, Now a Secular One

Jessica Gerberi, CFA
February 2, 2021

In prior economic cycles, the global luxury industry has shown characteristics of cyclicality, but in the past several years, the industry has experienced an unprecedented run, driven by structural growth themes. Increased adoption of ecommerce and a focus on the Chinese consumer have transformed the luxury industry and provide tailwinds for future growth.

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2021 Outlooks from the Calamos Investment Team

January 26, 2021

Senior members of our investment organization discuss their outlooks, the opportunities and risks they see, and how they are positioning the Calamos funds. With an introduction from John P. Calamos, Sr., Founder, Chairman and Global Chief Investment Officer.

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