Institutional Strategies

As of 12/31/24 View Summary of Returns
Strategy Name Index Since Inception Returns Inception Date
Gross Net Index
Active Growth Equity
US All Cap Growth Strategy S&P 1500 Growth Index 14.63% 13.71% N/A 1/1/91
International Growth Strategy MSCI ACWI ex USA Index 8.53% 7.47% 5.50% 4/1/05
International Growth Concentrated Strategy MSCI ACWI ex USA Index 8.18% 7.25% 4.52% 12/1/13
Global Growth Strategy MSCI ACWI Index 10.94% 9.78% 7.28% 4/1/07
Timpani Small Cap Growth Strategy Russell 2000 Growth Index 12.36% 11.71% 9.36% 4/1/08
Timpani SMID Growth Strategy Russell 2500 Growth Index 11.86% 10.78% 8.99% 3/1/15
Lower-Volatility Equity/Risk Managed
Emerging Economies Strategy MSCI Emerging Markets Index 8.86% 7.69% 7.46% 12/1/08
US Opportunities Strategy S&P 500 Index 12.96% 12.18% 11.03% 1/1/91
Global Opportunities Strategy MSCI ACWI Index 9.86% 8.93% 7.73% 10/1/96
Sustainable Equity
International Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy MSCI ACWI ex USA Index (Net) 7.99% 7.17% 5.31% 4/1/19
Global Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy MSCI ACWI Index (Net) 13.22% 11.83% 12.64% 1/1/19
US Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy S&P 500 Index 12.14% 10.76% 14.78% 2/1/20
Fixed Income
High Income Opportunities Strategy Bloomberg US High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index 6.93% 6.22% 6.65% 11/1/99
Dynamic Intermediate Tax-Efficient Strategy Bloomberg US Aggregate Intermediate Index 2.14% 1.92% 1.30% 7/1/17
Core Plus Fixed Income Strategy Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index 3.79% 3.26% 3.00% 7/1/07
US Convertible Strategy ICE BofA All US Convertibles Index 9.71% 9.02% 9.83% 1/1/91
Global Convertible Strategy FTSE Global Convertible Index 7.83% 6.63% 6.61% 10/1/01
Phineus Long/Short Strategy MSCI World Index 12.04% 10.50% 8.69% 6/1/02
Market Neutral Income Strategy Bloomberg US Govt/Credit Bond Index 7.41% 6.66% 4.97% 1/1/91
Hedged Equity Strategy S&P 500 Index 6.25% 5.70% 13.09% 1/1/15
Merger Arbitrage Strategy ICE BofA US 3 Month Treasury Bill Index (G0O1) 3.79% 2.96% 2.45% 12/1/19
As of 12/31/24 View Style Information
Strategy Name Quarter YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since Inception Inception Date
Active Growth Equity
US All Cap Growth Strategy Gross 6.90% 33.95% 33.95% 8.03% 16.22% 13.38% 14.63% 1/1/91
Net 6.66% 32.76% 32.76% 7.06% 15.19% 12.43% 13.71% 1/1/91
International Growth Strategy Gross -8.08% 13.53% 13.53% -2.53% 7.88% 7.94% 8.53% 4/1/05
Net -8.31% 12.41% 12.41% -3.57% 6.78% 6.87% 7.47% 4/1/05
International Growth Concentrated Strategy Gross -8.20% 12.67% 12.67% 0.19% 11.38% 9.61% 8.18% 12/1/13
Net -8.38% 11.83% 11.83% -0.57% 10.52% 8.67% 7.25% 12/1/13
Global Growth Strategy Gross 0.46% 31.95% 31.95% 6.85% 16.02% 13.12% 10.94% 4/1/07
Net 0.22% 30.73% 30.73% 5.74% 14.84% 11.95% 9.78% 4/1/07
Timpani Small Cap Growth Strategy Gross 7.65% 45.94% 45.94% 0.07% 12.82% 11.81% 12.36% 4/1/08
Net 7.45% 44.88% 44.88% -0.65% 12.05% 11.14% 11.71% 4/1/08
Timpani SMID Growth Strategy Gross 8.37% 45.67% 45.67% 2.86% 13.77% N/A 11.86% 3/1/15
Net 8.12% 44.34% 44.34% 1.89% 12.70% N/A 10.78% 3/1/15
Lower-Volatility Equity/Risk Managed
Emerging Economies Strategy Gross -4.54% 16.99% 16.99% -1.38% 7.03% 6.02% 8.86% 12/1/08
Net -4.79% 15.77% 15.77% -2.42% 5.89% 4.91% 7.69% 12/1/08
US Opportunities Strategy Gross 3.39% 21.89% 21.89% 6.88% 13.09% 11.61% 12.96% 1/1/91
Net 3.20% 21.02% 21.02% 6.14% 12.31% 10.85% 12.18% 1/1/91
Global Opportunities Strategy Gross -0.12% 25.07% 25.07% 4.78% 12.56% 9.73% 9.86% 10/1/96
Net -0.29% 24.21% 24.21% 4.06% 11.80% 8.97% 8.93% 10/1/96
Sustainable Equity
International Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy Gross -8.99% 3.62% 3.62% -1.04% 6.49% N/A 7.99% 4/1/19
Net -9.08% 3.21% 3.21% -1.43% 5.75% N/A 7.17% 4/1/19
Global Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy Gross -4.01% 12.62% 12.62% 2.92% 10.31% N/A 13.22% 1/1/19
Net -4.31% 11.24% 11.24% 1.65% 8.95% N/A 11.83% 1/1/19
US Sustainable Equities SMA Strategy Gross -0.92% 16.96% 16.96% 4.48% N/A N/A 12.14% 2/1/20
Net -1.23% 15.51% 15.51% 3.19% N/A N/A 10.76% 2/1/20
Fixed Income
High Income Opportunities Strategy Gross 0.65% 8.84% 8.84% 3.53% 4.74% 5.11% 6.93% 11/1/99
Net 0.54% 8.35% 8.35% 3.06% 4.26% 4.51% 6.22% 11/1/99
Dynamic Intermediate Tax-Efficient Strategy Gross -1.39% 3.90% 3.90% 0.17% 1.37% N/A 2.14% 7/1/17
Net -1.43% 3.71% 3.71% -0.04% 1.16% N/A 1.92% 7/1/17
Core Plus Fixed Income Strategy Gross -2.62% 2.47% 2.47% -1.19% 0.67% 2.26% 3.79% 7/1/07
Net -2.73% 2.01% 2.01% -1.64% 0.21% 1.75% 3.26% 7/1/07
US Convertible Strategy Gross 2.49% 10.79% 10.79% -0.39% 9.48% 8.65% 9.71% 1/1/91
Net 2.31% 10.00% 10.00% -1.09% 8.71% 7.88% 9.02% 1/1/91
Global Convertible Strategy Gross 0.22% 12.42% 12.42% 0.44% 7.49% 7.36% 7.83% 10/1/01
Net -0.16% 10.78% 10.78% -1.03% 5.96% 5.86% 6.63% 10/1/01
Phineus Long/Short Strategy Gross 1.81% 11.15% 11.15% 7.47% 10.97% 8.85% 12.04% 6/1/02
Net 1.50% 9.80% 9.80% 6.16% 9.62% 7.48% 10.50% 6/1/02
Market Neutral Income Strategy Gross 1.57% 8.42% 8.42% 4.90% 5.44% 5.20% 7.41% 1/1/91
Net 1.40% 7.71% 7.71% 4.22% 4.75% 4.50% 6.66% 1/1/91
Hedged Equity Strategy Gross 1.66% 9.38% 9.38% 4.47% 6.34% N/A 6.25% 1/1/15
Net 1.54% 8.86% 8.86% 3.98% 5.87% N/A 5.70% 1/1/15
Merger Arbitrage Strategy Gross 0.09% -2.26% -2.26% 4.21% 3.67% N/A 3.79% 12/1/19
Net -0.11% -3.04% -3.04% 3.38% 2.85% N/A 2.96% 12/1/19

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