Investment Ideas

Consistency Through Uncharted Waters

July 19, 2024

We have experienced historic monetary policy shifts and their impact on markets over recent months. While changing interest rates can create challenges for traditional bond strategies, Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) is designed to address these challenges, allowing investors to enhance their fixed income allocations.

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The Case for Small Cap Exposure with Downside Protection

July 19, 2024

Considering the favorable environment for small caps, Structured Protection ETFs present an opportunity for investors seeking both growth potential and downside protection. Here are three reasons to Consider the Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETF – July (ticker: CPRJ) now.

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Why and How to Find Growth Overseas—CIGIX

June 20, 2024

Why pursue growth overseas? 1) Growth matters because it consistently outperforms everywhere. 2) Growth overseas is scarce, making it a key diversifier. 3) And valuations are their lowest in a decade. Calamos International Growth Fund (CIGIX) has outpaced its benchmark and peers by delivering a world of growth to investors.

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Securing the Golden Years: Strategies for Mitigating Retirement Risks

May 29, 2024

Over the next three years, approximately 11,000 Americans per day will reach peak retirement age (65)—Dubbed “Peak 65.” Calamos Structured Protection ETFs can provide these retirees 100% downside protection, growth potential to help outpace inflation, and liquidity/flexibility for life’s unknowns.

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Demystifying Calamos’ 100% Downside Protection ETFs

May 13, 2024

How can Calamos build an ETF with 100% downside protection and capture upside equity performance? In this short guide, we look under the hood and demystify how Calamos ingenuity has allowed us to construct and deliver these strategies through transparent, cost-effective, liquid and tax-efficient ETF vehicles.

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