Today we’re launching an Ask the Portfolio Manager Video Series providing timely, 2-3 minute responses to some of the most commonly asked questions of the leaders of our Long/Short, Alternative and Convertible, International/Global and Fixed Income Strategies.

You’ll hear views on the equity market from Michael Grant, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund (CPLIX), including what his team has identified as misvalued sectors in the market and his thoughts on the timing of the next recession.

Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, provides an update on the convertible market, how convertible arbitrage has performed and what his team sees for 2018. Eli’s responsibilities include portfolio management of the industry’s largest market neutral income fund (Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund or CMNIX) as of 9/30/17, according to Morningstar data.

Nick Niziolek, CFA, and Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, you’ll learn Calamos’ positive view on non-U.S. equities, including emerging markets. Nick also comments on FinTech developments and emerging markets’ growing reliance on robotics and automation.

From Matt Freund, Co-CIO and head of Fixed Income Strategies, you’ll get market commentary on the current state of the bond market, what his team’s concerns are and the overall role of fixed income in a portfolio. Calamos fixed income funds include the Calamos High Income Opportunities Fund (CIHYX) and Calamos Total Return Bond Fund (CTRIX).
Financial advisors, for more information about Calamos’ positioning or funds, talk to a Calamos Investment Consultant at 888-571-2567 or