Investment Ideas

Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your EM Manager?

Todd Speed
October 31, 2022

We take a look at how the largest and widely held active emerging markets funds met the test of recent years—and we compare it to the performance of Calamos Evolving World Growth Fund (CNWIX).

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The Way Forward? Here’s Our Latest Chartbook

October 11, 2022

Our latest chartbook offers some perspective for dealing with the uncertainty of one of the worst years for investors in recent history. Our message is unchanged: stocks gain in most (not all) years, and history shows that the best strategy is to stay invested.

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Day by Day: How CPLIX Has Bested the Market YTD

September 13, 2022

The Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund (CPLIX) team managed by Michael Grant, Co-CIO, Head of Long/Short Strategies, and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, has battled and won more days than the broad market, resulting in CPLIX’s year-to-date return of -1.65% versus the S&P’s loss of -16.14% as of Aug. 30. That’s a 1449 basis point outperformance.

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