Investment Ideas

Hide Here: CPLIX

May 9, 2022

It’s possible to keep moving forward in this market—four brutal months for equities this year, and Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund (CPLIX) ended each one with a positive return.

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What Could An Income and Equity Alternative Do for a 60/40 Portfolio? Meet the Half Caff

March 25, 2022

To rebalance back to a 60% allocation of unhedged long-only equity and a 40% allocation likely to generate just the skinniest of fixed income returns is to ignore today’s environment. Instead, let us introduce you to the diversification benefits of our blend of equal parts fixed income alternative Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) and equity alternative Calamos Phineus Long/Short Fund (CPLIX).

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Off to a Strong Start to 2022, Grant’s CPLIX Positions for a Return to a World Where Profits Matter

Michael Grant
February 22, 2022

In an environment where the dominance of the mega caps is over, Calamos Co-CIO, Head of Long/Short Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager Michael Grant predicts we will not see the extraordinary, absolute returns that have been seen from the S&P 500. An actively managed portfolio, both long and short, has a much greater chance of now beating the benchmark, he says.

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