Small Caps Are Due to Retake Multi-year Leadership, CTSIX’s Nelson and Royce PM Agree in CE MasterClass
Both caution investment professionals against the risk of being underexposed when small cap returns begin to exceed large cap returns.
Read PostBoth caution investment professionals against the risk of being underexposed when small cap returns begin to exceed large cap returns.
Read PostDrawing on the experience of a portfolio management team responsible for developing one of the first sustainable research platforms in the 1990s and for helping set industry standards for ESG-focused portfolios, Calamos Global Sustainable Equities Fund (CGSIX) began trading December 17.
Read PostWe propose using a blend of small cap growth and value funds, each of which tends to earn its excess returns during different market periods.
Read PostExcerpts of market comments made by Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX) Senior Portfolio Manager Brandon M. Nelson on last week’s Small Cap Market Update conference call.
Read PostHere’s a look at what our team of CFAs are finding when asked to review portfolios.
Read PostAs long as fundamental momentum is above trend and there’s a backdrop of liquidity at historically high levels, Calamos Co-CIO and Head of Long/Short Strategies Michael Grant urges investment professionals to lean into equity risk.
Read PostThese selections from the Calamos Sustainable Equity portfolio management team—drawing on their 30 years of experience in screening global companies for environmental risk and opportunity—may surprise.
Read PostThe declining interest rates of the past decade provided a strong tailwind for bond funds. And yet, Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) managed to add value by delivering a bond-like return with a bond-like standard deviation but without the bond-like risk exposures.
Read PostYou think peanut butter and chocolate are an appealing combination? Try mixing Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) and Calamos Convertible Fund (CICVX).
Read PostOn the December 8 conference call for investment professionals, Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX) Senior Portfolio Manager Brandon Nelson will review the alignment of several supportive factors—fundamentals, valuations, earnings revisions and even seasonality—that he believes favor small caps today.
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