Active Management to Construct a Better Hedge

May 1, 2018

Dave O’Donohue, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, points out how a more active, more flexible management approach helps set Calamos apart.

Our “North Star” Trade

May 1, 2018

Jason Hill, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, describes how this model trade serves as “a compass.”

A Better Way?

January 19, 2018

Robotics and automation solutions are being adopted by emerging economies eager to boost their productivity while controlling their expenses, says Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager.

Disrupting Financial Services

January 19, 2018

Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, elaborates on how technologies are disrupting financial services—a development known as FinTech.

Emerging Markets Plus Convertibles

January 19, 2018

Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, provides the backstory on the 2008 inception of Calamos Evolving World Growth Fund (CNWIX).

How We Pursue Superior Returns

December 13, 2017

Michael Grant, SVP, Senior Portfolio Manager, describes the appeal of long/short equity: to act like a long-only investor when the environment is favorable and yet to have the flexibility to preserve capital when the environment turns.

How We Build Our Portfolios for Strong Returns Over Time

December 13, 2017

Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, explains why the team tends to take contrarian positions when building a portfolio.

What Makes CPLIX Different

December 13, 2017

Michael Grant, SVP, Senior Portfolio Manager, says the team has the flexibility to “to play whatever hand the market deals us.”

Convertible Arbitrage: An Old-School All-Weather Strategy

December 13, 2017

Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, Senior Co-PM, says the goal is to buy low and sell high, generate coupon income and trade around the portfolio.