Robotics and automation solutions are being adopted by emerging economies eager to boost their productivity while controlling their expenses, says Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager.
Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, elaborates on how technologies are disrupting financial services—a development known as FinTech.
Nick Niziolek, Co-CIO, Head of International and Global Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, provides the backstory on the 2008 inception of Calamos Evolving World Growth Fund (CNWIX).
Michael Grant, SVP, Senior Portfolio Manager, describes the appeal of long/short equity: to act like a long-only investor when the environment is favorable and yet to have the flexibility to preserve capital when the environment turns.
Matt Freund, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies, Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, explains why the team tends to take contrarian positions when building a portfolio.
Michael Grant, SVP, Senior Portfolio Manager, says the team has the flexibility to “to play whatever hand the market deals us.”
Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, Senior Co-PM, says the goal is to buy low and sell high, generate coupon income and trade around the portfolio.