The Goal: Fundamental Momentum

September 24, 2019

In this Q&A video, Brandon M. Nelson, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX), describes the core components of fundamental momentum: sustainable growth and underestimated growth.

A No-Nonsense Sell Discipline

September 24, 2019

Watch as Brandon M. Nelson, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX), explains why he sees his team’s sell discipline as a competitive advantage.

Small Cap Stocks Offer the 'Most Exploitable' Opportunities

May 31, 2019

Brandon Nelson, Senior Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager of the Calamos Timpani Small Cap Growth Fund (CTSIX), discusses the potential for disproportionate rewards when investing in small cap stocks.

Active Management Reacts to Changing Risk Profile

April 16, 2019

In a strong equity market, some convertibles can have a high degree of participation, but can also leave clients exposed to downside risk. Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, explains how active management helps “create a portfolio that has the optimal risk/reward throughout the full market cycles.”

Convertibles Have Provided Equity-Like Returns, Less Volatility

April 16, 2019

Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, points out that convertibles have historically produced positive total returns during rising rate environments that traditional fixed income has struggled with.

Tapping Tech's Growth Potential While Limiting Downside Risk

April 16, 2019

Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, observes that technology companies are typically growth companies, often with healthy valuations. An investor in a tech company’s convertible expects to participate in the upside when anticipated growth materializes, while seeking to avoid much of the downside if it does not.

Unrated and Lower-Rated Converts Can Still Offer Value

April 16, 2019

A convertible issuer’s below-investment grade rating—or no rating at all—is not the negative signal that an uninformed investor might expect, explains Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager.

Convertible Issuance Suited to Growth Companies

April 16, 2019

Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, looks at why convertibles often make sense for smaller, mid-cap companies with an established growth niche and for larger growth companies seeking capital for future growth.

Balanced Convertibles Can Offer Asymmetric Risk/Reward

April 16, 2019

Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, provides an overview of the convertibles market, noting “opportunities to give us the asymmetric risk/reward profile that we think is the sweet spot of convertible investing.”