Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, points out that convertibles have historically produced positive total returns during rising rate environments that traditional fixed income has struggled with.
Video recorded 03/21/19.
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In a strong equity market, some convertibles can have a high degree of participation, but can also leave clients exposed to downside risk. Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, explains how active management helps “create a portfolio that has the optimal risk/reward throughout the full market cycles.”
Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager, observes that technology companies are typically growth companies, often with healthy valuations. An investor in a tech company’s convertible expects to participate in the upside when anticipated growth materializes, while seeking to avoid much of the downside if it does not.
A convertible issuer’s below-investment grade rating—or no rating at all—is not the negative signal that an uninformed investor might expect, explains Joe Wysocki, CFA, Senior Vice President, Co-Portfolio Manager.