Investment Team Voices

Emerging Markets: PR is on the Upswing

Nick Niziolek
May 28, 2014

Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek discusses the rebound in emerging market equities, the factors that could catalyze continued upside, and where the team sees opportunities.

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Field Notes: India

Nick Niziolek
May 6, 2014

Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek shares insights from his recent trip to India and discusses how global on-the-ground research enhances our top-down views and bottom-up perspectives.

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Emerging Markets Should Fire Their PR Firms

Nick Niziolek
March 10, 2014

Nick Niziolek discusses the negative sentiment that has engulfed the EMs overall, and where the Calamos team sees encouraging developments. He also speaks to the team’s long-standing caution about investing in countries like Russia.

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Field Notes: Latin America

Nick Niziolek
February 3, 2014

Nick Niziolek, co-portfolio manager, shares insights that the Calamos team gathered from its recent travels to Latin America, including where they see the most compelling opportunities today.

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Casting Light on China's Shadow Banking System

Nick Niziolek
January 29, 2014

Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek, CFA, provides an overview of China's complex system of wealth management and trust products, and explains why shadow banking has recently unsettled the global markets. He also discusses what the Calamos team is watching most closely in China.

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Perspectives on the Philippines

Nick Niziolek
January 14, 2014

Nick Niziolek discusses how encouraging trends in the Philippines may stimulate economic growth and create investment opportunity.

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