Investment Team Voices

Breaking Through as Bonds Fight to Break Even

Eli Pars
July 5, 2024

The fund continues to outperform the traditional bond market thanks to an alternative approach that is not vulnerable to the interest rate risks that confront bonds. And we believe the fund’s recent and long-term performance also demonstrates the merits of our approach as an alternative to cash.

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The More Things Change…

Eli Pars
July 5, 2024

Last year, we had the opportunity to establish an especially attractive option trade to pursue 65% of the market’s upside with just 35% of the downside at its expiration in December 2024. While the 65/35 trade served us well, we look to the future and the many scenarios that may evolve, taking advantage of whatever the market brings.

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Ready for Choppier Waters

Eli Pars
July 5, 2024

Economic data is softening, there’s plenty of geopolitical risk, and no one has a crystal ball concerning the Fed. In terms of the presidential election, the biggest surprise would be no surprise. All in all, there’s every reason to favor the lower-volatility approach global convertibles provide.

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Marching on as Bonds Stumble

Eli Pars
April 4, 2024

Traditional bonds came under considerable pressure during the first quarter as investors cheered the continued growth in the economy and anticipated interest rate cuts. In sharp contrast, Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) demonstrated the benefits of an approach with little interest rate opportunity or risk.

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Déjà Vu … All Over Again

Eli Pars
April 4, 2024

Markets can move quickly, and static, rules-based strategies can expose investors to risks and limit upside. In contrast, we believe our active approach and decades of options experience gives us an edge. Our ability to adjust trades as conditions warrant sets Calamos Hedged Equity Fund (CIHEX) apart.

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Global Convertibles for a Surprising World

Eli Pars
April 4, 2024

We continue to find many opportunities in the new issuance market. We’ve been taking advantage of refinancing trends and have been able to invest in companies we like with higher coupons and lower conversion premiums. We’ve also initiated exposure to higher-octane companies in fast-growing areas, taking on less exposure to downside than equity investors.

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Charting a Steadier Path as Bonds Deliver a Wild Ride

Eli Pars
January 4, 2024

Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX) continued to demonstrate its potential benefits as a fixed income alternative. With little exposure to interest rate risk or opportunity, we believe our approach offers a compelling alternative for investors worried about interest rate volatility.

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Focused on Capitalizing on—Not Capping—Equity Upside

Eli Pars
January 4, 2024

The rise in interest rates, paired with a benign equity volatility environment, provided a beneficial environment for Calamos Hedged Equity Fund (CIHEX) during 2023. We believe our flexible approach can continue to provide an important edge.

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A Sunny 2024 Outlook for Global Convertibles

Eli Pars
January 4, 2024

Eli Pars, CFA, believes new issues will be a potential bright spot for the convertible market and Calamos Global Convertible Fund (CXGCX) over the next year or two, with a particularly intriguing opportunity in investment-grade convertibles.

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CMNIX: Continued Strength as Bonds Tumble

Eli Pars
October 5, 2023

As rising interest rates delivered a blow to traditional bonds during the quarter, CMNIX once again demonstrated the benefits of not being at the mercy of interest rate moves.

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