Investment Ideas

WATCH: The Animated Convertible Price Track

April 8, 2022

The Convertible Price Track illustrates the theoretical relationships between a convertible bond’s price and the par value of the bond as the underlying stock price rises or falls. Now it's animated!

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Why The Economist Calls Convertibles ‘the Asset Class for the Times’

July 19, 2021

Converts were “almost tailor-made for the circumstances of spring 2020,” and it’s easy to “imagine future economic dislocations on the horizon,” according to The Economist on July 10. The coverage focuses on convertible bonds as a “flexible source of capital,” offering advantages over straight debt or equity for both issuers and investors.

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Volatility Is Our Specialty, 2020 Confirms

Brandon Nelson, CFA, Eli Pars, Jason Hill, John Hillenbrand, Michael Grant
December 14, 2020

We revisit some of what Calamos portfolio management teams were saying (and doing) as markets began to reflect the uncertainty related to COVID-19 and its repercussions—and the impact of positioning decisions made, largely in the tumult of the first half of the year.

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How 2020 Makes the Case for Staying Invested

November 16, 2020

The market moved fast in both directions in 2020. The S&P 500 plunged into a bear market in a record 16 days and then recovered in a record 126 days. Through November 13, it's posted 11 all-time highs. Fortunately, there’s an alternative to hopping in and out of stocks, hoping to outfox the market.

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