Investment Team Voices

Calamos Antetokounmpo Global Sustainable Equities ETF (SROI) Investment Team Outlook

Jim Madden, Tony Tursich, Beth Williamson
March 30, 2023

Just one quarter into 2023, and investors can now add a crisis of confidence in the banking system and a raging debate over ESG investing to the list of challenges. However, all of this only bolsters our conviction in SROI’s global core growth stock portfolio that focuses on unlocking performance and delivering societal returns.

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Finding Innovation in the Chemicals Industry: Why We Say Yes to Croda

Jim Madden, CFA; Tony Tursich, CFA; Beth Williamson
July 28, 2022

ESG opportunities with robust returns on investment can be found even in industries with discernable environmental and societal constraints. However, due diligence is key. Using the chemicals industry as an example, the Calamos Sustainable Equities Team demonstrates why proprietary research—not third-party ratings—drive authentic and credible ESG portfolio construction.

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ESG Perspectives: The Investment Case for Corporate Diversity

Beth Williamson, Head of Sustainable Equity Team Research
December 10, 2021

Studies have shown that companies with more diverse management teams and boards are more likely to outperform their less diverse counterparts, explains Beth Williamson, Head of Sustainable Equity Team Research. For more than 20 years, the Calamos Sustainable Equity Team has recognized that diverse companies can produce higher financial returns and have lower risk.

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