3 Reasons Driving the Opportunities Set in Convertible Arbitrage in 2023

February 24, 2023

Hear Eli Pars, CFA, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies, Co-Head of Convertible Strategies, and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager discuss why there are multiple reasons he has a positive outlook on convertible arbitrage opportunities in the current market.

Opportunities in Global Convertibles: Strategies for Navigating Market Uncertainty

April 19, 2022

Q&A with Calamos Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies, Co-Head of Convertible Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager Eli Pars and Executive Vice President and Chief Distribution Officer Robert F. Behan.

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Explained

November 8, 2019

Matt Freund, CFA, Co-CIO, Head of Fixed Income Strategies and Senior Co-Portfolio Manager, outlines some of the pros and cons of Modern Monetary Theory—and why it might be a potential funding option for proposed economic initiatives in the U.S.