Investment Team Voices

A Long-Term View for China

Nick Niziolek
November 25, 2014

In the wake of China's rate cut, Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek discusses three of the trends that Calamos is monitoring most closely to assess China's prospects and why our long-term outlook remains generally positive.

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Japanese Equities Look Better and Better

Nick Niziolek
November 4, 2014

Japanese equities and global equities should benefit from recently announced changes by the Bank of Japan and Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, explains Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek.

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Is Your EM Allocation Vulnerable to Index Vagaries?

John P. Calamos Sr.
September 29, 2014

John P. Calamos, Sr., CEO and global co-CIO, takes a look at how emerging market indexes are constructed and explains why passive EM strategies, including passive ETFs, may be subject to risks an active approach can avoid.

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Why Growth Stocks Now?

John P. Calamos Sr.
September 9, 2014

John P. Calamos, Sr., global co-CIO, explains why he believes growth stocks are especially attractive.

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¡Viva La Reforma! Part II

Nick Niziolek
September 3, 2014

Economic reforms in Mexico continue to provide tailwinds for investment opportunities, according to Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek.

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Why Higher Quality May Mean Higher Risk

Eli Pars, CFA
August 12, 2014

Co-Portfolio Manager Eli Pars, CFA, discusses issuance trends in the convertible marketplace. He also speaks to the potential advantages of investing in convertibles with a range of credit qualities.

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Emerging Markets: PR is on the Upswing

Nick Niziolek
May 28, 2014

Co-Portfolio Manager Nick Niziolek discusses the rebound in emerging market equities, the factors that could catalyze continued upside, and where the team sees opportunities.

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